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Intergenerational Playgroups


Our Generations programs are a way of reconnecting with others. This program brings a fun, interactive playgroup to a senior's home where the residents take an active role in planning, preparing and facilitating the programs. Children and their adults attend to socialize, sing and dance, play games, hear stories and do crafts. 


We bring everything needed for a fun and engaging playgroup including toys, mats, craft materials and equipment. We take it all out at the end of each session.


Our program is created to engage both residents and tots. Residents can attend a pre-session meeting where they will play an active role in program planning by selecting songs, stories, and preparing crafts for the children. This allows meaningful activities that exercise fine motor skills, creativity, and cognitive skills. The implementation of songs and stories that are meaningful to the residents provide an opportunity to share culture, memories and build a legacy among generations. 


Each week, our playgroup will revolve around a different theme. Children can explore developmentally engaging toys, make a creative craft, and play in the sensory tray. 

After playtime, we will bring out the guitar and instruments to sing classic songs, share special stories, and play  engaging games with the other children and residents.

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